President Co-Chairs (2) for 2025-2026 filled
2nd year of 2 year commitment. (See Co-Vice President below.)
Approx. 100 hours
Duties include:
Preside over monthly PTA Executive board and general meetings. Create agendas.
Attend monthly M-A Principal meeting.
Attend monthly 17th District PTA meetings.
Sign PTA checks.
Attend Parent Advisory Committee meetings monthly with the Superintendent.
One of the Co-Presidents may be requested to take the role of Parliamentarian in their third year.
Vice-President Co-Chairs (2) for 2025-2026 needed
1st Year of 2-year commitment. (See Co-President above.)
Approx. 55 hours
Duties include:​
Chair Nominating Committee.
Responsible for New Teacher Luncheon.
Responsible for graduation stage flowers.
Responsible for updating of Platinum Plus Banner.
Submit PTA section of BearNotes
Attend miscellaneous meetings as PTA and/or M-A Representative. May substitute for President at meetings as needed.
Participate in committee meetings, events and volunteer opportunities to learn how each group operates.
Recording Secretary for 2025-2026 filled​
Approx. 30 hours
Duties include:
Record minutes and take attendance at Executive Board and General Meetings.
Forward minutes to Executive Board for review before next meeting.
List all expenditures in minutes.
Make corrections to minutes suggested by Board members.
Make copies of minutes before General Meeting so PTA members can vote to approve minutes.
Prepare to refer to minutes of previous PTA meetings.
Attach to minutes a copy of monthly Treasurer's report.
Keep the official set of original Bylaws and Standing Rules.
Distribute Bylaws and Standing Rules to Executive Board.
​Treasurer for 2025-2026 filled
2nd year of 2-year commitment. (See Financial Secretary below.)
Approx. 75+ hours
Duties include:
Chair budget committee and prepare budget for adoption.
Oversee ongoing PTA finances, ensure adherence to approved PTA budget.
Contact bank to secure signatures of all authorized signers on all PTA accounts before start of school year.
Reconcile accounts monthly.
Provide annual Financial Report to Executive Board.
Provide monthly Financial Reports to Executive Board.
Provide Auditor with all documents required for audit.
Ensure tax returns are prepared and submitted on time.
Financial Secretary for 2025-2026 filled
1st-year of a 2-year commitment. (See Treasurer above.)
Approx. 50+ hours
Duties include:
Collect checks from PTA mailbox in M-A's Administration building.
Deposit checks and keep records of deposits.
Provide monthly report of all receipts and deposits to Executive Board.
Auditor for 2025-2026 needed
Approx. 30 hours
Duties include:
Determine the accuracy of the records and procedures of financial officers.
Detect and recommend correction of errors.
Verify funds have been transferred properly.
Produce and submit Audit Report twice every year.
Parliamentarian for 2025-2026 filled
Approx. 25+ hours
Duties include:​​
Serve as senior statesman regarding past M-A issues, processes and procedures.
Refer to by-laws if questions arise.
Chair a by-law revision committee every 5th year.
In addition to the above duties, all Officers attend Executive Board and PTA General Meetings, and serve as alternates for Site Council and SDMSC meetings.